Wednesday 18 February 2009

Directorial debut

In the past, I used to be constantly concerned with my body. There was always some ache or pain that was at the forefront of my mind, which meant that anything I had to do or accomplish took considerable effort and focus. For years I suffered with back pain, neck-ache, migraines, sinus trouble and I always felt I could have achieved so much more, if these things hadn't been in my way. Now I realise that these pains and aches were a product of my fear of achieving those things, and simply something I put in my own way to give myself an excuse. After some years of regular yoga practice, I am beginning to be less concerned with these physical ailments and if I was to draw a graph of my productivity and mental capacity over the past ten years it would show a sharp rise around the time I started focussing on improving my bodily health.

As my physical health grows, I find I am able to focus a little more on my mind and to ask myself important questions like, "what am I capable of?" and "how can I use my skills and knowledge to help those around me?" My yoga teacher often emphasises the intention behind your actions, and continues to ask us why we are practicing. Are we doing it to get a flat stomach or are we aiming to improve our minds? I read something recently which said our attitudes can be divided into two types; complaining or grateful. Our aim in life should be to move away from the complaining and towards gratitude.

I'm sure most people reading this will probably be thinking, "It's easy for him to say when he's living in the mountains in India, but most of us have to get on with the realities of the world." Of course, I accept my good fortune and recognise that I have always been a lucky boy.

I have spent the past few days making my directorial debut to give people a little taste of PYDS. You can have a look here